Review of Kannada Movie ‘Love Mocktail 2 ‘ directed by Darling Krishna
Review of Kannada Movie ‘Love Mocktail 2 ‘ directed by Darling Krishna
Review of Kannada Movie ‘Love Mocktail 2 ‘ directed by Darling Krishna

It’s rare to see a sequel for a movie where the first part ended with the demise of the lover. In fact, the first part of Love Mocktail didn’t hint at a sequel. But Darling Krishna, the director and the protagonist, has done a great job in writing and directing the sequel, which captures the emotional journey that the hero goes through after the demise of his lover. 'Love Mocktail 2' will surely leave you yearning for a soul mate like the protagonist.  

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Book Excerpt - Collected Short Stories of Somerset Maugham (Volume 4)
Book Excerpt - Collected Short Stories of Somerset Maugham (Volume 4)
Book Excerpt - Collected Short Stories of Somerset Maugham (Volume 4)

It’s not just the human brain that is complex but also the human nature. As someone who is curious about human nature, I have always wondered if one could develop a playbook which will help one gauge what the true intentions of the other person are. I know that is a very wishful thinking but after reading Maugham’s books, I came to realise that nothing is more unfathomable and enigmatic than that of human nature and a desire to master it is not just wishful but near impossible task!! Perhaps, this uncertainty is what makes us feel vulnerable but at the same time gives a ray of hope that things will change for better. This post is just a sample collection of gems from the treasure trove of his writings compiled in the “Collected Short Stories- Volume 4”. I am sure that if you are someone who has interests in understanding people’s behaviour, reading this post would make you devour on Maugham’s collection as his words evokes a mélange of emotions, by laying the intricacies of human nature bare before the readers. 

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Review of the TV Series 'Modern Love' - Old Wine in a New Bottle
Review of the TV Series 'Modern Love' - Old Wine in a New Bottle
Review of the TV Series 'Modern Love' - Old Wine in a New Bottle
Can something be omnipresent but still be insufficient? If yes, take a guess, what would that be! 'Love' would be my answer. You always feel the need to be loved no matter how much ever you receive. There's nothing to fret about it because that's how we are designed. The TV series 'Modern Love' is more of a celebration of this beautiful but profound emotion 'Love'. ...[Continue Reading...]

Review of the Malayalam movie 'C U Soon'
Review of the Malayalam movie 'C U Soon'
Review of the Malayalam movie 'C U Soon'

Launched via Amazon Prime, ‘C U Soon’ is a Malayalam movie which is shot entirely using iPhone, adhering to the norms of social distancing. This movie highlights the quintessential millennial lives and how digital platforms could be greatly misleading.

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Review of Oscar Winning Movie 'Amour' (2012 Film)
Review of Oscar Winning Movie 'Amour' (2012 Film)
Review of Oscar Winning Movie 'Amour' (2012 Film)

Oscar-winning movie 'Amour' is about how an aged couple battles the situation that tests their love and happiness. The tragic and moving story is a must watch for every couple and the aspiring ones. 

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About Sammy's MindChirps

Hello! Welcome to Sammy's MindChirps. I'm glad you are here. To me, the word LIFE is an acronym of Laboratory with Infinite Freedom to Experiment. It's more like a kaleidoscope offering amazing learning opportunities as we grow and explore various facets of life. So this blog is a platform where I share anything that I find interesting (with my two cents, of course :D). I assure that you will have some new learning when you exit the blog. And do share your feeback on the blog or anything you want me to write about in this blog by dropping an email to